Walt, Em, & AJ

Monday, September 18, 2006

He's Getting So BIG

WOW! We can't believe how big AJ is getting. He is rolling over every which direction and sitting up like a little man. Just at the beginning of September he cut 2 teeth. I can't believe everything is happening so fast. Next thing you know, he'll be crawling.

AJ loves to eat! (Just like Mom and Dad.) He is eating just about everything. We started feeding him "food" around four months of age. His favorite things to eat are bananas, apples, squash and carrots. But, he really will eat just about everything...even bread. He just started eating vegies with chicken or turkey. Finally...MEAT!

What a happy boy! AJ is just so happy playing and rolling around. We can do just about anything to make him smile.

AJ loves the water. He does well in the lake and the pool. He has fun splashing everyone around. We hope that next year he will be able to jump in all by himself. :)


Look at AJ sit. He is viewing the world from a whole new angle. He loves to sit up and play with the things around him. Sometimes he topples over when he is reaching really far, but as long as he gets to what he wants it doesn't bother him.